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Abrams Deadlock Hero Overview

Abrams - Abilities and Builds

Everything worth knowing about Deadlock hero Abrams! Let's take a look at his abilities and builds.

Abrams is a very tanky hero, one of the hardest to kill during the game. He has some interesting abilities, including a passive ability that makes you heal faster after you get damaged, a powerful attribute that helps him stay alive for so long. He also has an exciting mechanic compared to the other heroes: he can shoot while reloading and cancel the reload, with a bit of bonus if you need to hit some critical shoots. Now we are going to take a look at Abrams abilities and builds.

Abrams Abilities

Abrams has the following four hero abilities:

  • Siphon Life,
  • Shoulder Charge,
  • Infernal Resilience,
  • Seismic Impact

Siphon Life: Drains energy from enemies in front of you while they are in the radius

Shoulder Charge: Going forward while dragging enemies along, while hitting a wall will stun enemies

Infernal Resilience: Regenerate a portion of incoming damage over time

Seismic Impact: Leap into the air and crash into your chosen location. All enemies are stunned and damaged

Abrams best build:

Below, you find the best Abrams build; we will refresh these builds regularly so you can always get the most out of your heroes! Thanks to the community for providing these fantastic guides and upvoting the best ones.

Abrams Best Build Deadlock

All abilities in more detail:

Abrams Ability 2
Abrams Ability 3
Abrams Ability 4

Keywords: Abrams abilities and builds, Deadlock Abrams, Abilities overview Abrams

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