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Abrams Deadlock Hero Overview

Infernus best build and all abilities

Everything worth knowing about Deadlock hero Infernus! Check out Infernus best build and all his abilities.

Infernus is a very interesting hero who shoots fire from his fingers. His whole kit is based around fire and the burning of the enemies. His second ability makes him very mobile, allowing him to run around quickly and burn enemies. His style of play is focused on slowing the enemies and setting them on fire. While they are slowed, he can use his fourth ability to create a giant fire bomb.

Infernos Abilities

Infernus has the following four hero abilities:

  • Catalyst
  • Flame Dash
  • Afterburn
  • Concussive Combustion

Catalyst: Slows enemy movements and amplifies the damage that Inferno does.

Flame Dash: Inferno moves forward with higher speed and leaves a burning trail that damages enemies that stand in it. With "Left Mouse" you can move faster during the attack.

Afterburn: Inferno's bullets build up to applying burning damage on enemies. The hero's bullets and abilities will refresh the duration.

Concussive Combustion: Inferno turns into a bomb and stuns all enemies in the radius of the attack.

Inferno best build:

Below, you find the best Inferno build; we will refresh these builds regularly so you can always get the most out of your heroes! Thanks to the community for providing these fantastic guides and upvoting the best ones.

Inferno Best Build Deadlock

All Inferno abilities in more detail:

Abrams Ability 2
Abrams Ability 3
Abrams Ability 4

Keywords: Infernus best build, Infernus all abilities, Deadlock hero Infernus

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