Lady Geist is a very powerful hero who needs much practice and implies some risks during the games. Her kit is an amazing concept focused on using parts of your Health for abilities. The Soul Exchange is her most powerful ability, allowing for big plays and letting you exchange your life with an enemy. Find Lady Geist's best build and all abilities below.
Lady Geist has the following four hero abilities:
Essence Bomb: Lady Geist sacrifices some of her health to launch a bomb that explodes after a bit of time.
Life Drain: Lady Geist creates a tether and drains enemy health over time while healing herself. The enemy must be in sight and within the maximum range. Lady Geist can still shoot and move during the ability, but movement speed is reduced by half. To exit, press "2".
Malice: Lady Geist sacrifices some of her health to launch blood shards that apply a stack of Malice. Each stack slows the enemy and increases the damage you deal. The slow effect decreases over time.
Soul Exchange: Lady Geist switches health level with an enemy target. There is a minimum level of damage that enemies can be brought down.
Below, you find the best Lady Geist build; we will refresh these builds regularly so you can always get the most out of your heroes! Thanks to the community for providing these fantastic guides and upvoting the best ones.
Keywords: Lady Geist best build, Lady Geist abilities, Deadlock Lady Geist
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