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Abrams Deadlock Hero Overview

Lash best build and all abilities

Everything worth knowing about Deadlock hero Lash! Find Lash's best build and all abilities below.

Lash is a unique hero who requires time to play him well and understand him. His kit is unique and doesn't seem powerful from the first look, but it can be with the right play. You want to use your second ability to jump around the fight and don't give the enemies a chance to catch you. Even if you get away from the fight, you can use your ultimate to bring an enemy to your location.

Lash Abilities

Lash has the following four hero abilities:

  • Ground Strike
  • Grapple
  • Flog
  • Death Slam

Ground Strike: Lash stamps the ground and damages enemies in front of him. You quickly dive to the ground if you perform the ability while being airborne. Damage grows slower after 25 meters.

Grapple: Lash pulls himself through the air towards an enemy. Grapple restores one stamina charge and all air jumps and dashes.

Flog: Lash strikes enemies and steals health from them.

Death Slam: Lash focuses on enemies to connect. After they connect, they are lifted and stunned while being slammed to the ground. The slam slows them and deals damage. Press "Mouse left" to throw connected enemies early.

Lash best build:

Below, you find the best Lash build; we will refresh these builds regularly so you can always get the most out of your heroes! Thanks to the community for providing these fantastic guides and upvoting the best ones.

Lash best build

All abilities in more detail:

Abrams Ability 2
Abrams Ability 3
Abrams Ability 4

Keywords: Lash best build, Lash abilities, Deadlock Hero Lash

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