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Abrams Deadlock Hero Overview

Dynamo - Hero Overview

Everything worth knowing about Deadlock hero Dynamo!

Dynamo is a beginner-friendly hero with an amazing kit that allows you to make some interesting plays. His kit allows him to teleport and reload while also healing and controlling all the nearby enemies with his fourth ability. A very interesting fact about his abilities is that some can be used to help his allies with reloading and healing, setting his team up for success.

Dynamo Abilities

Dynamo has the following four hero abilities:

  • Kinetic Pulse
  • Quantum Entanglement
  • Rejuvenating Aurora
  • Singularity

Kinetic Pulse: Dynamo releases an energy pulse that will kick enemies up in the air.

Quantum Entanglement: Dynamo selects a nearby spot, disappears briefly, and then returns to the selected spot. When reappearing, your weapon is reloaded, and there is a fire rate bonus for the next clip. 

Rejuvenating Aurora: You restore health to you and any allies nearby over time while channeling.

Singularity: Dynamo pulls in all nearby enemies and damages them. Once finished, enemíes get knocked in the air.

Dynamo best build:

Below, you find the best Dynamo build; we will refresh these builds regularly so you can always get the most out of your heroes! Thanks to the community for providing these fantastic guides and upvoting the best ones.

Dynamo best build

All abilities in more detail:

Abrams Ability 2
Abrams Ability 3
Abrams Ability 4
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