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Abrams Deadlock Hero Overview

Pocket best build and all abilities

Everything worth knowing about Deadlock hero Pocket! Best build and all abilities below.

Pocket is a hero who loves to be ignored during team fights because he can amplify his damage. He is not the most beginner-friendly hero, but you can pick him up with some practice. Pocket can easily reposition himself during the fights using his second ability to teleport; with this, you need to find an excellent way to use your fist spell on the enemies to give up the impactful damage amplification.

Pocket Abilities

Pocket has the following four hero abilities:

  • Barrage
  • Flying Cloak
  • Enchanter's Satchel
  • Affliction

Barrage: Channel to launch projectiles that deal damage and apply movement slow around their impact point. Each landed shot on a hero gains Pocket stacking buff that amplifies damage. 

Flying Cloak: Pocket launches a sentient cloak that travels forward and damages enemies. You can press "2" to travel to that location. 

Enchanter's Satchel: Pocket escapes in his suitcase. When the duration ends you deal damage to nearby enemies. Can be ended early by performing any action.

Affliction: Apply damage to all enemies over time. Affliction's damage is non-lethal and does not apply item procs.

Pocket best build:

Below, you find the best Pocket build; we will refresh these builds regularly so you can always get the most out of your heroes! Thanks to the community for providing these fantastic guides and upvoting the best ones.

Pocket best build

All abilities in more detail:

Abrams Ability 2
Abrams Ability 3
Abrams Ability 4

Keywords: Pocket best build, Pocket all abilities, Deadlock hero pocket

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